Down Payment Assistance Program
2023 Applications Closed
2024 Information Coming Soon!
The First Time Home Buyers Down Payment Assistance Program provides low to moderate income families with their first home. The Pas CDC has been granted funding to place eight (8) families in their first home. The Pas CDC has prepared a program for prospective home buyers to complete, and upon completion of the program, the prospective home-buyers will be placed in their first home.
Qualifying Criteria:
Applicants annual household income not to exceed the limit of $84,600
Total income includes wages and salaries, net income from self-employment, investment income, retirement pensions, and miscellaneous income such as alimony or government transfer payments of all household members 18 years of age and older
Applicants must not currently own a home or have any vested interest in a residential property within the past 5 years
Applicants must be a household with at least one dependent
The home-buyers should qualify for a mortgage from a National Housing Act approved lender and the initial mortgage term should not be less than five (5) years
Applicants must be a Canadian citizen
First Step – Mortgage Pre-Approval
When you schedule an appointment with your financial institution to discuss a mortgage pre-approval, ask what documents you will be required to bring with you to the appointment. Below are some commonly requested items:
Confirmation of your income and/or employment earnings (last three pay stubs, one- or two-years Income Tax “Notice of Assessment” papers from CRA, letter of employment, T1 General
Name and address of employers for last 3 years
Your banking information (if at a different bank)
Proof that you have a down payment plan to get the down payment (mention that you plan to apply for The Pas Down Payment Assistance Program which can get you up to $14,625 for a down payment + $1,500 to go towards legal costs)
A list of assets and liabilities
Estimates for your monthly housing expenses, including utilities, car payments, loans, etc.
Second Step - Introductory Meeting
Once you have a mortgage pre-approval, please send the pre-approval to or contact 204-627-1118. Once we receive the pre-approval, we will schedule an introductory meeting to review the program.
Your application will not be processed until you have an introductory meeting.
The Pas CDC Down Payment Assistance Program has partnered with Best Buy Homes to allow successful applicants to purchase a brand new home through Best Buy Homes, using the Down Payment Assistance funding. This allows the successful applicant to customize their home and relieve the stress of having to do repairs or renovations to suit your needs. There are no additional requirements to be able to buy a new home, it is simply up to the applicant! Contact Jackie at 204-627-1118 if you have any questions! We are here to help and walk you through the process.